Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What does the penny and nail represent/stand for in a lemon powered battery?

I want to know what the nail and penny represents beside just a negative and a positive side. I want to know what the copper in the penny does to transform into the positive side. I'd like to know the same for the metal in the nail and how it transforms the levels of chemicals in the lemon. HELP!What does the penny and nail represent/stand for in a lemon powered battery?
It is a galvanic cell, with the nail usually representing iron. (As today most nails are coated with zinc, zinc would be the actual reacting metal.)

In galvanic cells, two metals are joined with a conductive bridge, in this case a lemon. The lemon has sugars and citric acid dissolved in water, which is an electrolyte (conducts electrons). Electrons are produced by a redox reaction at the cathode (zinc or iron) where the iron dissolves into the electrode as its salt Fe+++. The copper is the positive side because of a difference the relative differences of the two in the electromotive series.

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