Tuesday, February 2, 2010

5 facts about Copper and Iron each... and what is made out of it.. eg. penny(copper) nail(iron)????????

5 facts of each!!!5 facts about Copper and Iron each... and what is made out of it.. eg. penny(copper) nail(iron)????????
Facts about the Definition of the Element COPPER

The Element Copper is defined as...

A ductile, malleable, reddish-brown metallic element that is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity and is widely used for electrical wiring, water piping, and corrosion-resistant parts, either pure or in alloys such as brass and bronze. The most common uses of Copper are in Copper sulfate, Hammered copper, Tubing, pipes - Plumbing, Wire, Electromagnets, Statues, Watt's steam engine, Vacuum tubes, Musical instruments, Component of coins, Cookware and Cutlery.

Interesting Facts about the Origin and Meaning of the element name Copper

What are the origins of the word Copper ?

The name originates from the Latin word cyprium, after the island of Cyprus. Copper was associated with the goddess named Aphrodite / Venus in Greek and Roman mythology. The island of Cyprus was sacred to the goddess. In alchemy, the symbol for copper was also the symbol for the planet Venus. In Greek times, the metal was known by the name Chalkos. In Roman times, it became known as Cyprium because so much of it was mined in Cyprus.

Common Uses of Copper

Copper sulfate

Hammered copper

Tubing, pipes - Plumbing





Watt's steam engine

Vacuum tubes

Musical instruments

Component of coins



Facts about the Definition of the Element Iron

The Element Iron is defined as...

A heavy malleable ductile magnetic silver-white metallic element that readily rusts in moist air, occurs native in meteorites and combined in most igneous rocks, is the most used of metals, and is vital to biological processes as in transport of oxygen in the body.

Interesting Facts about the Origin and Meaning of the element name IRON

What are the origins of the word Iron ?

The name originates from from the Latin word ferrum meaning iron. Its symbol 'Fe' is an abbreviation of ferrum.

Common Uses of Iron

Production of steel - the best known alloy of iron

Brief Facts about the Discovery and History of the Element Iron

Iron was believed to have been first discovered by the Egyptians in 4000 BC. The widespread use of this element lead to the period in World History called the Iron Age.

these are the only facts i have..i hope it can help you..

god bless..=p5 facts about Copper and Iron each... and what is made out of it.. eg. penny(copper) nail(iron)????????
Since 1982 the penny (1 cent coin) has been made with a zinc core (97.5%) and copper plating (2.5%)
do your own homework
  • vincent
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